Friday, August 10, 2007

introduction/my recent volunteer experience

Hello! I've decided to start a blog on my website. I wanted a forum to give updates, express my professional experiences, ideas and insights. Also, for those considering me as your therapist, this blog may help you get a sense if I would be a good fit for you and your family.

I have lots to share in these blogs! I've had vast experience working in different settings including schools, residential treatment centers, a community-based organization, and now I have the freedom to be on my own. I've grown tremendously from each place and would love to write about it.

In addition, I have recently begun volunteering at El Camino Hospital. Each week, I visit the medical floor where mainly Cancer patients stay. It is wonderful program led by the Chaplaincy of the hospital. The Chaplain, Reverend Maryellen Garnier, is an incredible woman who has a gifted ability to really be present with people while they are struggling with illness and loss. She leads a special program of spiritual healing. What I like about this program is the multicultural philosophy of being open to all different beliefs. The volunteers bring their kindness and openness to help patients and families feel hope while they cope with illness. I participate in this program as a member of the community, not as a therapist, but I feel the experience is making me a stronger therapist. Personally, I am not a very religious person and religion has not been a central part of my lifestyle. However, for the first time, I've been asked by patients--young, old, male, female, different race, class and cultures--to hold their hands and pray that they get better, that they get through a certain surgery or procedure, that their families stay strong, that they can enjoy more days of sunshine, etc. I was very uncomfortable doing this at first, as I don't pray on a regular basis. However, to join hands with a person and bring them hope is an amazing feeling. More importantly, it is not something I would have done on my own if I hadn't been stretched to do it.

Although, my time there is not all so serious! With patients I talk about the weather, celebrity gossip, living in NYC and other topics. Once I had a playful argument over the Mets vs. The Yankees. (Of course the Yankees are cooler!) One day, I had an extensive conversation with a woman about our cats. She missed her 2 cats at home very much since she needed to stay at the hospital. I told her all about my young feisty kitten at home. From one cat lady to the next, we had a connection.

So every Tuesday afternoon, I meet new people working hard at healing. It's a humbling experience and I enjoy being more connected to my community. (If anyone is interested in joining this program, call 650.988.7568)

Thank you for reading my thoughts, I will continue to write about old and new experiences here on this blog.

--Pam 8.10.07


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you sharing your valuable insights with the world. I know you've helped me a lot in my life. Keep the insights coming!

Anonymous said...

You are one of the best therapists I've ever known. Thank you so much for caring!